Don’t Freeze by Obsessing

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Just a reminder, your site is about your avatar. Don’t spend time obsessing over the small things, metrics, bad comments, or unsubscribes.

Don’t Watch Your Unsubscribes

Some of these things will actually save you in the long run. For instance, unsubscribes might feel like you’re losing your mass of audience but really – if they’re not interested, why do you want to keep paying for them through your Email Service Provider?

Also, sometimes people just do a purge. You know how you do a purge because you’re getting too many emails or you just decided you’re going to get organized? Perhaps that’s going on and your email is just too much, at this time.

Don’t Dwell on Bad Comments

For bad comments, see if you can step away and find anything useful in the comment. Sometimes you won’t be able to and people are just mean. Yes, its too bad it has to come to this sometimes, but get thicker skin. The more you’re out there, the more likely you’ll run into some people of other opinions. However, sometimes, it might sting to hear something but truly be a gift in disguise if it helps you improve your site or offerings.

Don’t Stalk Your Metrics

Your metrics will come along if you write good content and eventually work some SEO or Pinterest angle.

DO Make Progress

Decide on 3-5 things that are important to get done. Those items should be the ones you concentrate on. You can go to bed feeling progress if you get them to do. So get on with them! Go now..

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