Category: SEO
SEO When I look at link building, like the real, no hack way of link building, it all makes sense to me. But I’m somewhat introverted and so I think …
SEO With more and more people on smart phones instead of PCs or even laptops, the search engines place an emphasis on checking to see if our sites work well …
SEO If you’re worried about duplicate content penalties on your website because your posts are available from variety of URLs of different forms, be sure to indicate your canonical URLs …
SEO There are other tools coming out to help with how to write what people are looking for than the traditional keyword research tools. Some of them that come to …
SEO A sitemap is a file (usually sitemap.xml or sitemaps.xml) or set of files that tell the search engines what posts make up your site. As a search engine crawls …
Blogging When a new visitor comes to your site, is it tidy? Do you have popups knocking for attention the moment someone ‘walks through your door’? Is it easy to …
Blogging Man, I was just checking out the various supported types for Google Search and there are a lot! This is great. Its like the long time coming form of …
Blogging There’s a lot going on in the world of SEO today. We’re all working our way to improving our content to such a point that I almost always think …