Mobile-Friendly Blog

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With more and more people on smart phones instead of PCs or even laptops, the search engines place an emphasis on checking to see if our sites work well with a mobile browser. Is your site mobile-friendly?

Google will give you insight, via their Google Search Console “Mobile Usability” report, for your verified domains, as to any problems found having to do with this.

You may also check yourself by going to Google’s “Mobile-Friendly Test” page and submitting your URL. Remember, just like when testing for page load time, you want to test a variety of pages because its probably more likely the user will end up on your blog pages instead of a home page.

You may check your mobile site speed using Google’s Think with Google “Test My Site” tool.

If your site isn’t mobile friendly, it may be as simple as shopping around for a responsive blog theme or if you have technical tendencies, to tweak some settings or even CSS. Often, theme sellers will advertise whether or not their themes are responsive.

Look at the suggestions offered by the search engine company and try to improve, then test again.

You can test with your own mobile devices, as well! Try hitting your pages and see if they look good when you phone is horizontal or vertical.

You may also use your browser’s web tools by hitting [F12], then selecting “Emulation” and selecting a variety of Devices and settings. This may vary slightly depending on your web browser of choice.

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