Bring on the Positive Vibes Yourself

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Mindset is either getting hot or once you’re looking for something, you’ll see more for. It might be both.

Overarching Steps

  • Design your vision in great depth and with details and clarity.
  • Uncover your limiting beliefs and ask yourself if they really are true.
  • Work on your mindset positivity towards your vision goal.
    • Use affirmations that are meaningful to your situation.


One of the things I struggle with is a blank page when coming up with affirmations.

Hopefully, if you’re looking for these, you’ve been through the process of busting through your limiting beliefs. Consider lies that you tell yourself, and ask yourself if they are really true. Put these thoughts on alert and be aware when you think them and consider why you have these beliefs and what really is true. Writing these down can help.

As for affirmations, look through these and if so inclined, choose some of these and tweak them to make them your own. Make them more specific!

Here’s a list:

  • I easily attract clients who love to work with me.
  • I am enough.
  • Working with me is a privilege.
  • I have everything I want.
  • My life is overflowing with opportunities I can recognize and leverage.
  • Making more money enables me to help more people.
  • I am an authentic person.
  • The universe blesses me with massive wealth.
  • I surrender any resistance to work.
  • I deserve to prosper.
  • My talent, skills, and hard work bring me wealth.
  • I live attract success.
  • I am good enough.
  • I trust myself and my desires.
  • I accept that financial success is mine to live.
  • I always have an abundance of money to meet all my needs.
  • I get better constantly.
  • Wealth derives from everything I do.
  • I love being successful.
  • I am thankful for my unlimited potential.
  • I am worthy of a life calling that I love and that brings me great happiness and wealth.
  • I am grateful for the skills that bring me wealth.
  • The world is abundant and joyful.
  • I expect the best and get it now.
  • My contentment and thankfulness draw more of my desires to fulfillment.
  • Everything that I desire is coming to me.
  • I am worthy of the joy and peace that my financial security brings me.
  • New, great ideas to serve the world come to me all the time.
  • I constantly create my reality and everything in it.
  • I embrace new avenues of income.
  • It takes less effort to be wealthy than to be poor.
  • Money surrounds me.
  • I now have massive amounts of money.
  • I am a magnet to money.
  • I deserve to be wealthy because I created wealth.
  • I allow myself to prosper abundantly.
  • My wealth increases regardless of what I do.
  • Everything I touch returns riches to me.
  • I am happy about being rich.
  • What I offer is irresistible because of my love of empowering others.
  • All things I seek come easily to me.
  • I am a magnet for prosperity.
  • I am open to the best things in this life.
  • Opportunities flow to me with ease.
  • There are no limits for me.
  • I am worthy of receiving prosperity now.
  • I was born to be wealthy.
  • I can do this.
  • Prosperity is drawn to me.
  • I am wealthy, so I can help others with my great fortune.
  • I truly love what I do, and it shows in my great quality of work.
  • I make an impact by helping others with my gifts and talents.
  • I make a positive difference in the world.
  • Money enhances my life.
  • My creations are of great service to the world.
  • Prosperity is mine and I choose to live it.
  • My resistance to prosperity has dissolved.
  • My income has no limit.
  • My belief in myself makes me enough.
  • I release all struggle within.
  • Money enhances my attitude.
  • I can easily and naturally handle massive wealth.
  • I tap into the infinite fortune of the universe.
  • My life is full of the material things I need.
  • Money has a positive energy that I accept.
  • It is safe to think big.
  • There is a limitless supply in the universe, and it is mine.
  • I get paid with ease.
  • I am worthy.
  • I am successful in every way.
  • Abundance is all around me.
  • I enjoy all the good things of the universe coming to me easily.
  • I clearly see the opportunity to make money.
  • Wealth and prosperity circulate all around me and in my life.
  • Money comes to me in many different ways.
  • I am prosperous.
  • I am equipped to give and serve the world.
  • I expect the best.
  • I am open to all the wealth this life offers me.
  • People love to pay me.
  • My life is full of all the material things I need, including money, health, and love.
  • I earned the right to ask for a sale because of the value I give.
  • I bring in an abundance of money.
  • I attract money.
  • I am worthy of financial freedom.
  • The world needs my work and is bettered by my talents.
  • I release all negative emotions associated with wealth.
  • Receiving cash is easy for me.
  • I create my own may in life.
  • I can have it all.
  • I release the need to live with lack and limitation.

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