Blogging This is just the beginning of an About page tips page but I wanted to note something I saw that was really intriguing. I can’t remember where I read …
Blogging A recommended resource page is a page on your site that provides all the sources that you use to run your website or perform your services, or that your …
Blogging Or do you just get defensive when you hear suggestions from others? Or are you too big and too busy to consider and respond to feedback? I don’t know …
Blogging Remember to speak to your avatar, and sometimes that means bending the rules of grammar or being a little more informal. You don’t want to seem like a robot. …
Tools Remember when using online tools and resources to read and understand their rules. Here’s a link to their help. If you use Canva, you may be interested in some …
Social Networking So I’ve seen enough of the “Oops, I forgot to send this on time, so the offer is good for another day” emails, but what are some other ways …
Affiliate Marketing Want to monetize your site but running out of steam on affiliate marketing ideas? Some ideas for you on affiliate marketing: Consider holidays, seasonal, and trends when selecting, creating, …
Blogging Are you thinking about starting a blog? Do you feel like you want to dip your toe into the great ocean of other bloggers? To help you come up …