About Page Tips

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This is just the beginning of an About page tips page but I wanted to note something I saw that was really intriguing. I can’t remember where I read it, but it was that using the term WE vs. I on an about page can be a killer for your customers to want to have faith in your expertise and/or honesty. I don’t know how I feel about this yet, but I was going to go check out a bunch to see if this is the case.

Other thoughts and tips for a killer About Me page:

  • Be genuine and real.
  • State your one sentence goal of the blog. You should have this worked out by having gone through the exercise of identifying your avatar.
  • Remember you’re blogging for your avatar, not yourself. The value described should be in terms of what you have to offer them.
  • Talk about your journey on the topic and how you can relate because you’ve been there if you have.
  • Share and show what value you have to offer your audience.
  • Use headlines and try to be strong and captivating.
  • Include a pic of yourself.
  • Make sure you show your personality (and hopefully your personality is present in your posts as well).
  • Afford them the option to get on your mailing list.
  • Make a Call to Action (CTA), such as:
    • Offer a freebie/lead magnet that goes with what you have to offer that helps your reader with a problem. Have this be a great, enticing ‘makes them want to come back for more’ it was so useful and surpassed their expectations type of offer. Don’t, however, have it be something too big or long, because this is to whet their appetite and lead magnets are best consumed in smaller chunks.
    • Have them join you on a like-minded group of readers for a journey where you can take them from their pain point to resolution.
  • Try to have your page be ‘on brand’ as well.

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