Simple Blogging Routine

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Once you have your site worked out and set up, you can focus more on content. In order to overcome shiny object syndrome, I’ve always found it useful to have a routine I follow.

This way I can keep it simple, but at the level I’m at with my blog. As a side benefit, when I have this simple routine to follow, even if I didn’t do all the things I wished I could in a week, as long as I make small progress each day then I feel like a success.

Take a moment from your overwhelm and jot down the consistency by which you’d like to create a post, video, or podcast and commit to it. Keep it reasonable so that you can form this habit successfully. Once you’ve got this down, add to it. You’re forming habits over time and my making them small and reasonable, you increase the likelihood of succeeding in developing this new way of working.

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