Not Getting Hits? Send Test Data through Google Analytics

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If you notice that you’re not seeing any hits through Google Analytics, try using their mechanism to send test data.

This works great because if you’ve set up a filter to exclude your IP address, (and you should!) then you won’t be able to test by hitting the site yourself.

To send test traffic:

  • Log in to Google Analytics
  • Click the Admin option
  • Select the account you’re noticing there are no hits on
  • Click on “<> Tracking Info
  • Click on Tracking Code
  • Next to your Tracking ID, you should see a Status area, where it may say “No data received in the past 48 hours.” and a “Send test traffic” button.
  • Click the “Send test traffic” button
  • Next, you can go back to the Analytics section and click the Realtime | Overview option.
  • You should see at least 1 active users on-site

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