Content Syndication

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Right now, the hot thing is to hop on YouTube and/or create a Podcast to increase engagement with your customers. If done right, this can be great and you may be able to connect with even more of your tribe.

Consider what you can do when you think about content syndication… You take your content and turn it into the various other forms of consumption people go for.

Often, bloggers feel they must be on all the social platforms to be successful, but this is just not true. Choose the ones that make sense — that is, choose the ones where your customers or avatar likes to be!

With syndication, though, more is opened up to us. Instead of signing up to specific social networks, we’re finding another form(s) of media that works and putting our content out there in another way.

If you’re truly passionate about your topic and helping your avatar, then this is ideal because this means you can increase your reach and helpfulness.

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