Coming Up With a Great Course

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If you know you want to offer your own products online as a way to monetize your site, you may want to consider teaching something you know and you can help your audience do better.

If you’re stuck for topics, one way to come up with great ideas is to look at your own popular posts.

If you have your own Facebook group, you can look at the needs of the group. Common questions, issues, or hot topics can be a good source of ideas as well.

Otherwise, you can also come up with ideas much like you did for your blog. Remember your avatar and then think about:

  • What are people always coming to you for your expertise?
  • What do you love to do so much it’s not really working at all?
  • Have you made something easier to do/do you have a great process by which you do things and would share?
  • What are you experienced in?

Using this list of ideas, along with your avatar and their pain points, think about how you can help transform them.

You may also want to try a pre-sell, also, because sometimes people can just be polite or even think they would pay for a course but then still not put their money where their mouth is, come time to sign up. You never know what circumstances your readers are in, but a pre-sell is a great way to test the waters.

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