Buyer Intent Words

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If you are working affiliate sales, then you know how important it is to pay attention to buyer intent. You want to try to rank for items when people are ready to buy.

Buyer Intent Words

Replace x below with Product Name/Type

  • Best x
  • Best x of Year (2020, etc)
  • Best of x
  • Discount x
  • Get x
  • Get x online
  • [Low/Mid/High] priced x
  • x on sale
  • program for x
  • x course
  • x reviews
  • x coupon
  • x special
  • x coupon code
  • x discount

Some Non-Buyer Intent Words

  • x [store name] (likely looking to buy it locally vs. online)
  • x [in city/state] (likely looking to buy it locally vs. online)

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