Types of Posts

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If any of the following apply well to your site, consider adding the following posts to your site.

  • Cornerstone content about their niche
  • Research-based and backed informational content
  • Resource List (Tools, Courses, Classes, eBooks, Products)
  • Gift Guides
  • Top x List or Listicles – People love lists because they can read these in their small components and also if someone is only interested in one, they can specifically look at that item.
  • Specific Item Reviews
  • Comparison of x Items
  • Cheat Sheets
  • Roundups – Pulling a variety of experts about a certain topic. These are easy to digest. Not only does this provide your customer a list of answers from experts, is super easy to put together, and also those experts are often likely to want to provide content for these because it gives them exposure for their expertise.
  • Tutorials
  • How-tos – Show people how to do something, they may come back over and over.
  • Products I Use/Love
  • Current Topic Commentary and what it means to x
  • Checklists
  • To-Do Lists
  • Infographics
  • Against the Grain/Controversial Subjects (not just for sake of being controversial but to really delve into your thoughts and why)
  • Guest Posts
  • Interviews
  • Expert Advice
  • Holiday Related
  • Series
  • Reference / Glossary
  • Inspirational
  • Latest Related News or Current Events
  • Case Studies (these can be good for building backlinks if you do them right!)
  • Quizzes
  • Survey or Polls
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (look into using Yoast SEO formatting for this for potential improved Google ranking)
  • Beginner Guides
  • Recipes

Consider whether they are evergreen or not. This may affect how much time do you want to spend on them and when you may want to work on them so they’re ready at the right time.

Consider any existing posts that may be able to help in your content creation and use them as a starter to another form of post from above.

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