Searching For the Best Niche Ever

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Okay so there’s probably not just one ‘Best Niche Ever’, and even if there was, it would depend on you whether or not it was the ‘best fit’ for you. Defining a niche, is defining a specific market for your site or company (depending on how big you’re dreaming) to focus on, vs. something like a lifestyle blog, a more general blog about a variety of topics.

This is not to say that you cannot have multiple topics in a niche, but if you do, its best if they go together in some way. For instance, gardening and home décor for those in tiny houses could be good but something like dog parenting and blogging for millennials don’t ‘click’ quite as well together and may be best served using separate domains. Remember, if you try to be everything to everyone, you really serve no one.

But, when searching for a niche – the best go-to topics have to do (but are sub-niches) of the following types of sites:

  • Wealth
  • Health
  • Fitness / Weightloss
  • Relationships / Dating
  • Pets
  • Self-Improvement
  • Make Money on the Internet

Be sure to niche down to something more specific. If you generally see others in the niche, its a good thing as long as it’s not TOO competitive. That means there’s money to be made.

The main goal, hopefully for both you and your reader, is to help them solve or overcome a problem.

Choosing a niche that you know something about or that interests you will be helpful because you’ll legitimately be able to establish some authority and want to continue writing on this topic for some time as you grow as well.

Consider whether or not your niche will be evergreen. If not, will it be seasonal or trendy? Trends may die out but seasonal could pay yearly for example. However, get on the front end of a trend and you could do well, also.

Ways to validate and hone in on a more specific niche of the topics listed:

  • Check out what magazines offer ‘niche’ type of content.
  • Search online for sites with the same niche. (Don’t fall into the trap of thinking your niche has to be the only one – that likely means it might not have an audience if there isn’t already sites catering to them. Think of it instead as there is interest to be shared and try to bring something new to the table to interest and gain an audience.)
  • Check affiliate marketplaces like Amazon, Clickbank, and Shareasale to find what offerings they have that would be relevant to your site topic.
  • Search for MeetUps.
  • Check out the presentations on SlideShare.
  • Look for any online forums.
  • Check out Google Search Volume (used to be more specific but now they save the specifics for paying advertisers but you can still get ranges) for how many people are searching for your niche idea.
  • Use Google Trends.
  • Look at Facebook groups.
  • Search Twitter hashtags for the topic.
  • Look at what is trending on Pinterest, either via their search suggestions or through their Top Pins of Year posts.
  • Use a keyword research tool.
  • Read about the topic on Medium.
  • Check on YouTube.
  • Look for forums and message boards having to do with your niche.
  • Check Reddit’s subreddits for discussions about the niche topic.

By selecting a niche, you are able to rank for long tail keywords having to do with your niche. Since you’re focused in on something that has less competition (because of your niche focus) you can be seen as an expert on the topic. It can make it easier to know what to write about and spend your time on and even more so, what not to spend time or effort on.

While choosing a niche, its useful to also think about defining your avatar.

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