Pay Once, not Monthly: Lifetime Licenses and other Blogging Deals

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There are some sites that offer special deals on lifetime licenses and stock photography bundles/discounts.

They include:

  • AppSumo – The nice thing about this site, is they create a video for each of the offerings. The company seems just so cool, and the users are very active on the listings. They ask lots of questions and the representative of the offering will usually reply to all the questions to clarify things.
  • StackSocial – This site seems like it has different names/branding. I don’t know if they are different companies or the same with just a different brand for better marketing. I have gotten some good deals with StackSocial but I stay with it versus the others with the same offerings so that my ‘points’ will accumulate under one site (small cashback rewards on purchase). Plus, I’ve been able to find more coupons from the one called StackSocial.
  • ByPeople
  • DealFuel
  • Dealify
  • Dealjumbo
  • DealMirror
  • Pitch Ground
  • SaaS Mantra
  • Mighty Deal$
  • SaaSWiz

There are some others out there for sure, but I haven’t bought from them. What about you, have you found any lifetime deal sites that would be great to share here? Please do!

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