Content Audit

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The end of the year is a great time to perform a content audit. Go through the following questions and assess them with an open mind in order to see what is working and improve upon what is not.

In order to do a content audit, you’ll use the data from Google Analytics. If you don’t know how to use Google Analytics, you may want to take their free courses because it can be advantageous to your business to know what is working and what is not.

For the social cues (number of shares, likes, etc) you may need to look in the social media platform’s analytics backend for more info.

  • What are your top 10 posts?
  • Where did your traffic for these posts come from?
  • Do these posts align with your niche, categories, silos?
  • Can these posts be updated or improved upon for content?
  • Can these posts be improved upon for SEO? Look at post lengths, keywords, formatting, optimization, etc.
  • Can you repurpose this content in an updated manner?
  • Consider adding a “Best Posts” or “Most Popular Posts” to allow for your audience to dwell longer on the posts that seem to draw people?
  • Would creating an easy to access Silo page make sense for your audience?
  • How many shares did your posts get?
  • Are your images up to date or could they be refreshed?
  • Which of your posts got the most emails from your audience?
  • For the posts that didn’t get much interest, can you tell why when comparing against the successful ones?
  • Should some of the unsuccessful posts just be deleted?
  • Can you tell what type of photographs or pictures your audience responds to from the successful posts?
  • Are there posts that were based on a year and they can be updated for the current year?
  • Does the URL need to be updated (and if so, be sure to cover redirect)?
  • Is there more content I can add based on Google’s hints of what people are looking for (be sure to keep your content original and in your voice but consider perusing the following for expansion ideas):
    • Additional content based on sites chosen for rich snippets in results
    • Additional images to add based on images that display
    • “People also ask”
    • “Searches Related to”

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