Promoting Products You Use and/or Love

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When affiliate marketing, you should be honest. Don’t just add links all over your site with no explanation. Don’t just promote anything even if you don’t know what it is or who created it.

DO the following:

  • Be sure this is a product that makes sense for your niche. It should solve a problem for them.
  • Make sure its a good one and one you truly recommend. Would you recommend the item to a friend?
  • You want to be honest and get a reputation for only promoting things you believe in.
  • If you have the item in hand, even better, take lots of pictures. Figure out all about it. Read the manual and reviews online. Answer any questions. Describe the product in detail along with all pros and cons.
  • Don’t just gloss over the cons. Your audience will love you if you tell them the truth. Perhaps a product falls short in one area. Note this and tell them and since you’re still recommending it overall, maybe it will be a help to them and they will still buy.

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