Creating a Blog Post the Easy Way

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  • Use a free or paid keyword research tool to research and come up with a long tail keyword or key phrase to write about.
  • Determine if it fits your blog, is it helpful for your avatar? Don’t lose your voice. Don’t try to be too broad, focus on your readers’ needs.
  • Define your objective. Make sure you do this or you may end up writing all sorts of irrelevant content. This will help keep you focused.
  • How do you want to make your avatar feel?
  • Try to have an idea of what type of post (list, how-to, etc).
  • Work up an outline of the main sections for the topic based on your keyword or key phrase and social discoveries. Consider your avatar as you write the answers/responses to the issues.
  • If you get overwhelmed, consider each on its own and then incorporate them into a blog post. Remember baby steps will get you to progress.
  • As you write the blog add notes in where you want to add pictures, refer to other sites, or add anything else that you just don’t want to get out of your flow for so you can come back to it later and fix it up.
  • Consider adding relevant sections based on results to the following:
    • Do a Google search and look at the “People also Ask” – add items to outline if it makes sense
    • Look at the Related Keywords and consider those topics
    • If the content is seasonal, use Google Trends to see when to post.
  • Research social channels
    • Check out Facebook groups where your avatar would hang out for posted problems/questions. THESE are excellent things to incorporate.
    • Find and review forum posts, either specialized sites or via something like Google Groups.
  • Make sure to use your keyword or key phrase in the title.
  • Have your keyword appear within the first paragraph.
  • Do not perform keyword stuffing.
  • Write clearly and to the point
  • After writing your post, reread and get rid of things, not to the point and matching the purpose
  • Check grammar, tone, and reading level
  • Use H2 and H3 to designate headers
  • Have a purpose in mind for a Call to Action (CTA)

If you have trouble coming up with the keyword(s) first, you can sort of reverse engineer by hanging out in discussions and through the social media outlets to watch for what pain points your avatar has and work from there.

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