Bloggers Helping Each Other on Facebook

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Check out Facebook for some excellent blogger to blogger groups. Join some of the Facebook groups that match your needs, but also make sure to commit to truly give back and share yourself, knowledge, or point of view as well. Don’t be spammy for your site. Read and follow the rules. Be kind.

One way to find these is to search. Or look for your favorite bloggers and see where they hang out.

Another way to find some great Facebook groups is to sign up for the ones that correspond to a course you have purchased.

Depending on the group, they offer different things:

  • Some offer a critique thread, where you post something you need some sets of eyes on.
  • Some offer a thread to promote your site.
  • Some introduce you and ask for you to tell a bit about yourself.
  • Some have threads asking about your favorite (course, ebook, etc).
  • Some of them will have special focuses, like list building or affiliate marketing.
  • Some will give you the ability to help others out and share your suggestions and expertise.

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